Hp Ux Ioscan


Global Cell Number Format. The global cell number format is identical to the cells' HP-UX hardware path, as reported by the HP-UX ioscan command. In global format, each cell is given a single unique number that indicates the relative location of the cell in the entire server complex. Unix World In this post, You can get an idea about HP-UX logical volume manager commands with an example. As you know LVM is basically used for disk management in operating system that allow to manager the physical disks and logical volume. Please find the below HP-UX LVM commands with an example.

ioscanscans system hardware, usableI/Osystem devices, or kernelI/Osystem data structures as appropriate, and lists the results.For each hardware module on the system,ioscandisplays by default the hardware path to the hardware module,the class of the hardware module, anda brief description.

By default,ioscanscans the system and lists all reportable hardware found.The types of hardware reportedinclude processors, memory, interface cards andI/Odevices.Scanning the hardware may cause drivers to be unboundand others bound in their placein order to match actual system hardware.Entities that cannot be scanned are not listed.By default,ioscanwill display the list using the legacyview(seeintro(7)).

Theioscancommand scans the system in the agile view or thelegacy view, depending on whether or not the-Noption is used,and lists all reportable hardware found.Ifioscancannot find any hardware based on the options andarguments specified, it prints no information andexits with a return value of0since the scan encountered no errors.

ioscancan also use its options to perform the following:

  • ioscan -Ndisplays output using the agile view instead of the legacy view (seeintro(7)).

  • ioscan -Mforces the specified software driver into the kernel I/O system and forcessoftware driver to be bound.This can be used to make the system recognize a devicethat cannot be recognized automatically;for example, because it has not yet been connected to thesystem, does not support autoconfiguration,or because diagnostics need to be run on afaulty device.

  • ioscan -b,when used with-Moption,tries to do an online binding first.If the driver does not support online binding, binding willbe deferred to next boot.The hardware path specified for a deferred binding operation mustbe a LUN hardware path of a node of type DEVICE in UNCLAIMED state.

  • ioscan -tdisplays the date and time at which system hardware was last scanned.

    Note: The-toption cannot be used with any other options available for this command.

  • ioscan -P propertydisplays the property of a node.

  • ioscan -m lundisplays the mapping between LUN hardware path and thelunpath hardware path.

  • ioscan -m dsfdisplays the mapping between legacy device special filesand persistent device special files(seeintro(7)).

  • ioscan -m hwpathdisplays the mapping between (legacy) hardware path, lunpathhardware path, and LUN hardware path.

  • ioscan -slists the stale entries present in the system.

  • ioscan -rreverts the deferred binding action on a device lunpath.

  • ioscan -Uscans all unclaimed nodes of type INTERFACE.

  • ioscan -ashows information about thread 0 for a processorwith Hyper Threading feature.

Security Restriction

Generally,ioscanrequires superuser privileges.A non root user may use thefollowing options:


only to display the kernel hardware tree.

Hp ux ioscan command

use the mapping features.


display the property of a node.


list pending deferred bindings.

Driver binding and actual hardware scanning is restricted to root.


ioscanrecognizes the following options:


Show information about thread '0' for a processor withHyper Threading feature. When used with-Foption, command generates a compact listing of fields separatedby colons(:),useful for producing custom listings withawk.Fields include:socket,core,thread.


Defer the binding of a driver to a hardware path until the nextsystem boot.Must be used with-Mand-Hoptions.


List all the pending deferred bindings.

-C class

Restrict the output listing to those devices belonging to the specifiedclass.Cannot be used with-d.

-d driver

Restrict the output listing to those devices controlled by the specifieddriver.Cannot be used with-C.


Display the device path as follows:

On Integrity servers, displayEFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) device paths when available.

On PA-RISC Hardware, when used with-Noption, displays PA device path when available inhexadecimal and also in decimal format separated with a comma,.This is the form to be used when booting from ISL in thehpuxcommand prompt with the-aoption (seehpux(1M)).The same format can be used to enter a lunpath hardware pathin the Boot Console Handler (BCH) boot prompt.


Generate a full listing, displaying the module's class,instance number,hardware path, driver, software state, hardware type,and a brief description.


Produce a compact listing of fields (seeFieldsbelow), separated bycolons(:).This option overrides the-foption.

-H hw_path

Restrict the scan and output listingto those devices connected at the specified hardware path.The hardware path must be a bus path.Scanning below the bus level will not probe the hardware and may produceincorrect results.

For example, specifying the path at the target level will alwayschange the state of the device attached to it asNO_HW.The state of the device may be restored by retryingioscanfrom a bus node above theNO_HWnode.

When used with-M,this option specifies the full hardware pathat which to bind the software modules.

-I instance

Restrict the scan and output listing to the specified instance,when used with either-dor-C.When used with-M,specifies the desired instance number for binding.Must be used with either-d,-C,or-Moption.


Scan kernel I/O system data structures instead of the actual hardwareand list the results.No binding or unbinding of drivers is performed.The-d,-C,-I,and-Hoptions can be used to restrict listings.Cannot be used with-u.This option does not require superuser privileges.

-m keyword

Display mapping information according to the keywordspecified.ioscanretrieves the information from the kernel I/Odata structures without scanning the hardware.Keywords can be any one of the following:


Display the LUN to lunpath mapping.The-d,-C,-I,and-Hoptions can be used to restrict listings.Arguments passed must be from the agile view.The-Foption can be used to generate a compact listing of fields separatedby colons(:).Fields include:class,instance number,LUN hardware path,driver,software state,hardware type,block major number,character major number,health,a brief description,lunpath(s).Device special files corresponding to LUN will be shown on separate line(s).


Display the mapping between the legacy and persistent special files.Either a legacy or persistent special file can be specified as anargument.If none is specified, all valid mappings for characterspecial files are displayed.The-Foption can be used to generates a compact listing of fields separatedby colons(:).Fields include:persistent special file,legacy special file(s).Multiple legacy special files mappingto the persistent special file areseparated by a white space.


Display the mapping between the legacy hardware path,lunpath hardware path, and LUN hardware path.The-Hoption can be used to restrict listings.The argument specified with-Hcan either be a legacy hardware path, lunpath hardware path,or LUN hardware path.The hardware path specified will also be displayed along with thecorresponding other two representations, if present.

The-Foption can be used to generate a compact listing of fields separatedby colons(:),which is useful for producing custom listings withawk.Fields include:LUN hardware path,lunpath hardware path,legacy hardware path(s).If there are multiplelegacy hardware pathsmapped to alunpath hardware path,they will be separated by a white space in the last field.For example, if a lunpath hardware path has two mappings to a legacyhardware path, the two legacy hardware paths are separatedby a white space in the last field.If there are multiple mappings, they are displayed in separate lines.For example, if one lun hardware path maps to two lunpath hardwarepaths which map to a legacy hardware path each.

-M driver

Specify the software driver to bind at the hardware pathgiven by the-H option.Must be used with the-Hoption.


List device file names in the output.Only special files in the/devdirectory and its subdirectories are listed.Must be used with either the-f or the-F option.


Displays the agile view(seeintro(7))of the system hardware.For mass storage device entries that would normally include thedriver class, the legacy hardware path, and the device description,ioscanprints a class of lunpath, the lunpath hardware path, andthe name of the LUN that it maps to, when used with this option.In addition, the output will include entries for the mass storage devicesat their LUN hardware paths, with the expected driver class and description.Thus, each mass storage device will have at least two entries in theioscanoutput:one for the LUN hardware path and one for each lunpath hardware path.If usedwith the-n option,ioscanonly prints persistent special files.

-P property

Displays the property of nodes in the agile view.This option can be combined with the-C,-d,-Iand-Hoptions, but the parameters passed must belong to theagile view.The valid properties are:



Remove a deferred binding at the specified hardware path.Must be used with the-Hoption. Thehw_pathmust belong to the agile view.


Lists stale I/O node entries present in the system.These entries correspond to nodes that have an entryin the system I/O configuration file, but the correspondingdevice is not found(seeioconfig(4)).


Display the date and time at whichthe system hardware was last scanned.This is an example outputioscanproduces with this option:

Fri Nov 22 11:22:21 2005.


Scan and list usable I/Osystem devices instead of the actual hardware.Usable I/Odevices are those having a driver in the kernel and anassigned instance number.The-d,-C,-I,and-Hoptions can be used to restrict listings.The-uoption cannot be used with-k.


Initiates a scan on unclaimed nodes of type INTERFACEin the agile view.

The-dand-Coptions can be used to obtain listings of subsets of the I/Osystem, although the entire system is still scanned.Specifying-dor-Calong with-I,or specifying-Hor adevfile causesioscanto restrict both the scan and the listingto the hardware subset indicated.


The-Foption can be used to generate a compact listing of fields separatedby colons(:),useful for producing custom listings withawk.

Fields include the module's:bus type,cdio,is_block,is_char,is_pseudo,block major number,character major number,minor number,class,driver,hardware path,identify bytes,instance number,module path,module name,software state,hardware type,a brief description,card instanceandEFI device pathorPA device path.

If the-Noption is specified with the-Foption, thehealth property is added at the end of the listing.If a field does not exist,consecutive colons hold the field's position.Fields are defined as follows:

bus type

Bus type associated with the node.


The name associated with the Context-Dependent I/O module.


A boolean value indicating whether a device block major numberexists. ATorFis generated in this field.


A boolean value indicating whether a device character major numberexists. ATorFis generated in this field.


A boolean value indicating a pseudo driver. ATorFis generated in this field.

block major

The device block major number. A-1indicates that a deviceblock major number does not exist.

character major

The device character major number. A-1indicates that adevice character major number does not exist.


The device minor number.


A device category, defined in the fileslocated in the directory/usr/conf/master.dand consistent with the listings output bylsdev(seelsdev(1M)).Examples aredisk,printer,andtape.


The name of the driver that controls the hardware component.If no driver is available to control the hardware component,a question mark(?)is displayed in the output.

hw path

A numerical string of hardware components, notated sequentiallyfrom the bus address to the device address.Typically, the initial number is appended by slash(/),to represent a bus converter (if required by yourmachine), and subsequent numbersare separated by periods(.).Each number represents the location of a hardwarecomponent on the path to the device.

identify bytes

The identify bytes returned from a module or device.


The instance number associated with the device or card.It is a unique number assigned to a card or device withina class.If no driver is available for the hardware component oran error occurs binding the driver, the kernel will notassign an instance number and a(-1),is listed.

module path

The software components separated by periods(.).

module name

The module name of the software component controlling thenode.

software state

The result of software binding.


software bound successfully


no associated software found


the hardware at this address is no longer usable due to some irrecoverableerror condition; a system reboot may clear this condition


associated software and hardware are in suspended state


software found does not match the associated software


the hardware at this address is no longer responding


the hardware at this address is responding but is in an error state


a scan operation is in progress for this node

hardware type

Entity identifier for the hardware component.It is one of the following strings:


there is no hardware associated or the type of hardware is unknown


hardware component is a processor


hardware component is memory


hardware component is bus converter or bus adapter


hardware component is a virtual (software controlled) bus


hardware component is an interface card


hardware component is a device


hardware component is a target path


hardware component is a LUN path


A description of the device.

card instance

The instance number of the hardware interface card.

EFI device path or PA device path

On Integrity servers hardware, this field contains the EFI device path.On PA-RISC hardware, this field contains the PA device pathin both hexadecimal and decimal format separated by a comma,.


State of the node as defined by the subsystem that manages this node(for example, a driver).It is one of the following strings:


node is online and functional


node has gone offline and is inaccessible


node is online but performance is degraded due to somelinks, paths, and connections being offline


an error condition occurred which requires manual intervention(for example, authentication failure, hardware failure, and so on)


node is being diagnosed


node has been disabled or suspended


node is functional but not in use (standby node)


1. Rescan the devices:

ioscan -fnC <disk|tape>

2. Generate device files:

insf -e

3. Verify the new devices:

ioscan -funC <disk|tape>


1. Rescan the devices ):

cfgmgr -vl fcsx

Where x is FC adapter number

Hp-ux Ioscan No_hw

2. Verify the new devices:

lsdev -Cc <disk|tape>


The rescan in Linux is HBA-specific.

For QLogic:

echo scsi-qlascan > /proc/scsi/qla<model#>/<adapter instance>

For Emulex:

sh force_lpfc_scan.sh lpfc<adapter-instance>

For each identified device, run the following:

echo scsi add-single-device <host> <channel> <ID> <lun> > /proc/scsi/scsi


1. Determine the FC channels:

cfgadm -al

2. Force rescan :

cfgadm -o force_update -c configure cx

Where x is the FC channel number

3. Force rescan at HBA port level:

luxadm -e forcelip /dev/fc/fpx

4. Force rescan on all FC devices:

cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev

5. Install device files:

Hp Ux Ioscan Disk


6. Display all Qlogic HBA ports

luxadm -e port

7. Display HBA port information

luxadm -v display <WWPN>

8. Display HBA port information

luxadm -e dump_map

Notes If one specific SANclient is missing a drive, please verify that your zoning is correct. Please also make sure the host initiator and VTL™s target ports are showing online via the Fibre Channel switch. (Check HBA link light and check the cable.)

Hp-ux Ioscan Tape Drive

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